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Submit your soil
How to get involved. . .
If you are interested in taking part and submitting your soil sample(s), please complete the simple form below with your details and someone from the team will get back to you to get more information about the site/field you are sampling from, its recent cropping history, and management practices.
We will provide you with a three-digit site number (e.g. 042) and ask you to complete the sample submission form, then we will send you a sampling kit including pre-paid packaging to send your soil to us.
Your sample helps us understand the biodiversity of beneficial fungi in Australia's agroecosystems. Once we have analysed all the samples, the results will be shared with you.
"How hard is the sampling?" I hear you ask. Its actually very easy.
We will give you detailed instructions once you register.
But you can check out an instruction summary HERE.
Or watch this video
How will I collect the sample?
Our team has been granted a biosecurity permit from DPI for the movement of soil into NSW. However if your site falls within certain high-risk areas, additional steps may be required. We will make these steps clear to you if they are necessary.